Aliso Viejo Middle
School PTSA

Providing support and advocacy for
the Aliso Viejo Middle School
students and community
"I am Hopeful Because ..."

Two ways to submit your application:
1. Pick up an entry form in the Front Office and return it to the Front Office.
2. Fill in the online student entry form at https://forms.gle/UN8m54uX9VCnFS9Y9
Entries will be submitted as follows:
Dance Choreography - electronic submission via https://forms.gle/UN8m54uX9VCnFS9Y9
Film Production - electronic submission via https://forms.gle/UN8m54uX9VCnFS9Y9
Literature - bring to the Front Office
Music Composition electronic submission via https://forms.gle/UN8m54uX9VCnFS9Y9
Photography - bring to the Front Office
Visual Arts - bring to the Front Office
Special Artist - See categories as listed above
For more information, please contact our Reflections Coordinator, Jen Horner at joejenhorner@sbcglobal.net or (949) 419-6678
The goal of the Reflections Program is participation and appreciation for the arts.
National PTA does not limit the number of entries a student may submit.