Aliso Viejo Middle
School PTSA
Providing support and advocacy for
the Aliso Viejo Middle School
students and community
Support our Library by joining
“Falcon Friends of the Library”
Did you know …
Our AVMS library has the highest circulation rate out of all the middle schools in Capistrano UnifiedSchool District.
Our teachers require our students to reference library books in their English, history, and science research papers.
At AVMS more than ten percent of our students regularly check out fiction books just to read for fun, with some students reading more than one hundred books per year.
The books in our library, whether fictional or nonfictional, are selected specifically to be age-appropriate and conducive to the interests of middle school students.
With almost no library funding coming from other sources, this annual PTSA supported fundraiser is the largest source of funds for purchasing new books.
According to the July 1, 2008 edition of the Orange County Register, the state of California only spends seventy-one cents per student for library staffing and books, putting California in last place for state spending on school libraries.
Libraries are integral to the educational process. The Greeks and Romans used the creation and quality of their libraries to measure the level of advancement in their societies. The images of many prestigious learning institutions can be attributed, in part, to the richness of their libraries. Supporting our AVMS library is a great way to increase the quality of education that our students are receiving.
In order to keep students interested in reading fictional books, it is important to keep our book selection up to date with books that students are interested in today. Advances in science, technology, geography and history also make it necessary to keep collections of essential nonfiction books up to date.
Please consider donating $10, $15, $20 or more to our library fund. Your name will appear on a “Falcon Friends of the Library” display posted in the library along with the names of all the books purchased through the library fund during the school year.
Thank you for your support!